Sunday, October 31, 2010

Biomes Homework Part 2

Quote: "Intact, the Amazon produces half its own rainfall through the moisture it releases into the atmosphere. Eliminate enough of that rain through clearing, and the remaining trees dry out and die"

Questions: How is it possible that the Amazon is able to make there own naturally rain when other place in the world there is no rain what so ever?

Comment: This quote doesn't really surprise me and the reason why is because I feel that sooner or later the world will be come like this. Its going to be pretty much the survival of the fittest, and who ever get the supplies will live and the rest will just die. Its sounds bad to say but its the truth.

Quote: "What it's been robbed of: Sharks. they've been slaughter by outside commercial fishermen supplying the shark-fin soup market. Commercial fishing remains a threat, as does logging and nickel mining."

Question: Is there a point were we as human race will stop endangering are self's and as well the animals that are left in the world? Us as high school students can we do to stop this happening?

Comment: I feel as though this is similar to the the forest one, but then at the same time it is not. The reason why is because you cant produce sharks and let them live if we the people are just killing them. Or really any animal that is living in the ocean.

Ice Paradise

Quote: "A remarkable thing happens when you give animals habitat and space."

Questions: Is this quote even possible with all the human need that we have? How much space would the animals be able to have with us being happy and them being "happy".


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Annotated Bibliography 3 Articles

Freshwater Biome-
Is there any kind of run off that would help the animals that are in the water?

Marine Biome-
What is coral know as a plant or as a animal?

Desert Biome-
What would happen if the Desert would have to much water?

Forest Biome-
What is the percentage of forest we have in the world today?

Grassland Biome-
What is edaphic savanna?

Tundra Biome-
What can of animals would you be able to find in the Tundra?